Tuesday, April 23, 2013

God's Grace is enough for ME!

Last weeks devotions really focused on seeing God in all things.  My prayer this week is for me to recognize God in all things and to give Him praises through everything.  Life is still crazy busy but it is the way God has intended it to be right now so I am OK with that.  I just never want to go back to where God isn't worthy of all the praises in everything!  There was a time in my life that I walked life without God on the top of my triangle and I pray to never forgot something so simple.  Vision a triangle.  The left point is you,  the right point is the other person in a relationship whether it is a husband or wife, a child, a friend, a stranger or a situation or circumstance and the top point of the triangle is ALWAYS GOD!   If we remember that He is at the top and all of our relationships, situations in life and daily struggles are connected to God and His grace for us what can't we overcome?  God's grace is ever present in everything if we only seek it, acknowledge it and praise it.  TO GOD BE THE GLORY IN ALL THINGS!!!   Amen.

Romans 8:31 What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

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