Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Learning to Pay Attention

When in life have you stopped long enough to pay attention to what God is saying, not what we are feeling?

I know I struggle with this often as I am woman and my mind runs like a bowl of spaghetti   Seeing God in the little things and not just the big things, praying to him and waiting for His answer in His time is sometimes hard.  Today my devotion was out of Exodus 3:1-6. Talking about the burning bush and God speaking to Moses and revealing himself.  Have you ever had a burning bush?  Have you ever heard from God in a unique way?  I always thank God when I am rushing to get somewhere and He slows me down by putting me behind someone going the speed limit (which we should be doing as that is following the laws)  or hitting every stop light.  Those are my burning bushes that God is telling me to slow down, calm down and remind me He is in control.  Moses heard from God when he paid attention, like Moses, we often encounter God when we pay attention to what's going on around us.  When we are deep in prayer about something that is going on we may here from Him or receive conformation in many forms.  Another personal bush was one afternoon after our pastor told us he was leaving and shared with us about the new pastor, I came home and was praying while eating lunch and He spoke to me and said "Yes, this is my doing and he is the fit for the church."  Indeed, our last pastor fulfilled his season with us and did God's work and now we are onto a new season to take us to the next level.  God has his hand in all things for His glory not ours!  

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